
Sharing the CTO's knowledge with young professionals

A graduate of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas gave a lecture at his former university about his career path to the position of Technical Director. Advice to future engineers and stories from his experience.

Advice to students of Precarpathian University from CTO

The Precarpathian National University is our partner in growing software engineering specialists. An educational lecture about the experience and advice of the CTO of NetLS Software Development helps students learn more about their specialty and prepare for professional challenges.

Boot Camp students developed a platform for a global UN program

On November 13, 2023, a team of interns from NetLS started working on a project called 2πnk. It is a platform for testing students' knowledge in physics and mathematics. The development was funded by Upshift, a global program of the United Nations Children's Fund.

First Career Steps: Meeting with Students of King Danylo University

On 30 November 2023, Olga Yatsiuk, HR Generalist at NetLS, gave a lecture: "Life after graduation: the main insights on finding the first job". This event is a free initiative organized in partnership with King Danylo University (Ivano-Frankivsk) for students of Software Engineering Specialty.

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