
NetLS Blog

Summer internship in an IT company: training for students of IFNTUOG

IFNTUOG students started their internship at NetLS. By independently studying the intricacies of artificial intelligence through lectures and individual assignments, they will understand their development areas, desired professional directions, and find answers to their previous questions

Epic Cheremosh River Rafting Adventure

Embark on a Thrilling Rafting Journey along Cheremosh River!
This hot summer of 2023, our journey took place along the mountain river Cheremosh, where we decided to dive into adventures aboard inflatable boats.

How We Celebrated Halloween 2022

Halloween is a popular holiday for Ukrainian IT companies: on October 31, monsters and zombies are resurrected in offices all over the country. Our company is not an exception. To ward off troubles and attract good luck into the office, we dressed frighteningly and had a good time on All Hallows’ Eve

Conquering Shpytsi 2022

Working to the fullest, supporting the army, believing in victory, and appreciating the opportunity to spend time together in order to return to work with renewed strength.

Web Analytics for your Website

Once you've analyzed your audience, created and launched a site, and found effective channels to engage it, your business project begins to enter a phase of active growth.

What is the Future of Meteor.js

For the first time the world heard about Meteor in December 2011. This is not just another javascript framework. Meteor – a platform for building highly interactive modular client-server applications. Meteor is absolutely new approach to web application development. There are no clear boundaries between front-end and back-end. It enables to write real-time applications, and a rapidly expanding community creates new packages and modules on a scale that will help you in future projects.