
NetLS Blog

Team Augmentation: New Ways to Hiring

Staff augmentation offers growth, greater scalability, agility, and involvement of specialists with a specific set of skills for a limited period. A reliable IT augmentation service provider will help to avoid possible pitfalls.

Conquering Shpytsi 2022

Working to the fullest, supporting the army, believing in victory, and appreciating the opportunity to spend time together in order to return to work with renewed strength.

What is Online Consulting?

If the goals of your business, as a result of which you choose a partner (namely a contractor) are significantly different from the KPI of other online businesses, our company offers you a personal online strategy in the form of professional online consulting, designed for your business project. You know what consulting is, but we will focus on a slightly different area of Internet consulting.

How to Keep Your Clients?

When the initial promotion of the site and services is behind, sales are growing, the customers you support can share their service experience. At the same time, internet marketers, SEO agencies, or professionals to whom you turn have another difficult task ahead of them - feedback and further collaboration.

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