
NetLS Blog

Summer internship in an IT company: training for students of IFNTUOG

IFNTUOG students started their internship at NetLS. By independently studying the intricacies of artificial intelligence through lectures and individual assignments, they will understand their development areas, desired professional directions, and find answers to their previous questions

What is Online Consulting?

If the goals of your business, as a result of which you choose a partner (namely a contractor) are significantly different from the KPI of other online businesses, our company offers you a personal online strategy in the form of professional online consulting, designed for your business project. You know what consulting is, but we will focus on a slightly different area of Internet consulting.

Web Analytics for your Website

Once you've analyzed your audience, created and launched a site, and found effective channels to engage it, your business project begins to enter a phase of active growth.

Internet Sales Growth

Online commerce is gaining momentum because it saves money on the maintenance of a regular store. However, competition is growing, whether in services, trade or other areas. It's time to think about sales scaling and maximize the reach of your target audience on the Internet.

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